Sunday, February 13, 2011

My 2nd Brown Maple and Walnut Chess Set

It is the middle of the winter in upstate New York.  For those of you who do not know what that means, it means a lot of snow and even more cold weather.  The cold weather has not been too bad as of yet but we have seen our share of snow.  The snow means that I can hide in my basement and make lots of sawdust.  I just finished my second chess set.
   Here are some pictures from my 2nd Chess set.  This one is also cut out of brown maple and walnut.  The pattern comes from Jim Kapes book "Making Wooden Chess Sets."  I really enjoy the patterns and my next one will be somewhat more challenging.  Every time I make one I learn more and more.  As they say practice makes perfect.
   I ordered and received some nice walnut from a friend and I will be going to Bristol, Vermont to pick up some more maple in the near future.
   For my scroll saw friends if you have not done compound cutting I have to say it is quite fun and quite a challenge.  The jig that is in Jim Kapes book sure does help a lot.
This set is for a special Birthday next month.  I hope to have more details after the event, I just do not want to spoil the surprise to early.  I have a feeling it will be appreciated.

 With our youngest daughter moved out and on her own, the house is even more quiet than it was before.  She has also requested a chess set that I will start working on in the near future.  We have already printed it out and put 1/2 of it to paper.  I just gotta find the time to cut it out.

These pieces were cut out, sanded and given a bath in a mixture of Linseed oil and mineral spirits, then set aside to dry and after dried, a couple of nice coats of varnish and hand buffed with a brown paper bag.
   After all that my wife Ev, puts a nice piece of felt on the bottom of each piece.The Pattern title is King Henry VIII Chess set.  I like the lines on this one and it was fun and relatively easy to cut.  Since I do not do this full time it usually takes me about 2 weeks to complete a set.
I am hoping to get started on a new and unique set in the next week or so.
Thank you for stopping by and taking a look.  Please feel free to leave me a comment.
Thank you,


Huntter2022 / David said...

You did a awesome job with making it
compound cutting is fun I did some of Diana Thompsons

Geno said...

Thank you. I am hoping to get her book sometime in the near future.

Unknown said...

Hi, I bought this book last night and I'm hoping that I get. I've been looking at google images of people who have made parts of this book and patterns seem really great.

Thanks, sorry for my English.